This section defines the terms used in this specification and
throughout web archives infrastructure. A link to these terms
is included whenever they appear in this specification.
- Media Type
- A two-part identifier for file formats that are transferred on the
World Wide Web and the underlying Internet. [[IANA-MEDIA-TYPES]].
- Page
- A web document as viewed in a web browser that is viewing a
specific URL. Sometimes referred to as a web page.
- Web Archive Collection Zipped. A file that conforms to this specification
which is used to package up WARC data and metadata into a
[[ZIP]] file for distribution and replay on the web
- A file containing concatenated representations of web resources conforming
to the [[WARC]] specification.
- Web Archive
- A collection of files that preserve representations of web
resources in the WARC format. A web archive may also include
derivative files such as CDX indexes for accessing records within
the archive.